Coaching Offers

Reflect Program

What you can expect

Take a deep dive into your current situation with a reflective session. Identify the gap, receive actionable insights, and emerge with a doable plan. Calm your mind with a short guided meditation. If you feel ready for a more extended journey, we’ll explore longer packages tailored to overcome your challenges.


1x Coaching Session

60 Minutes Live Call on Zoom, Google, or WhatsApp

Change Program

What you can expect

Embark on a transformative experience with six dedicated sessions. Between sessions, stay connected through WhatsApp for insights, positive affirmations and if needed with an On-Demand Emergency Assistance service. Each session is accompanied by a guided meditation and a tailored action plan. Post-coaching, you will receive a comprehensive summary of your personal insights, skillfully rephrased into uplifting positive affirmations for continued growth.

Following the completion of the change program, we’ll engage in a 45-minute reflection session, conduct an impact assessment, and discuss the insights gained for a comprehensive learning experience.


6x Coaching Session


90 Minutes Live Call on Zoom, Google, or WhatsApp

WhatsApp Support

including On-Demand Emergency Assistance

Reflection session

45-minute Live Call on Zoom, Google, or WhatsApp after the 6x Change Coaching Sessions

Change & Balance Program

What you can expect

Upgrade to the Change & Balance Program for a holistic lifestyle shift- mentally and physically. Beyond altering thoughts and beliefs, we manifest change in our daily lives through Nutrition, Sleep, Exercise & Meditation. While reflection demands courage, change and sustained balance require discipline, strength, and community. That’s why our program features an accountability session two weeks post-program completion, ensuring sustained progress. Join the supportive ‘Happy, Healthy & Free‘ community to boost motivation on your path of continual change. Explore our additional accountability program for enhanced support.


10 x Coaching Sessions

90 Minutes Live Call on Zoom, Google, or WhatsApp


WhatsApp Support

including On-Demand Emergency Assistance

Reflection session

45-minute Live Call on Zoom, Google, or WhatsApp after the 10x Change & Balance Coaching Sessions

Accountability session

45-minute Live Call on Zoom, Google, or WhatsApp after 4 weeks the end of the program

Personalized Guide for healthy habits

Receive a guide based on individual needs and goals surrounding Nutrition, Sleep, Exercise & Meditation

Community Access

Post-Program Facebook Group: Connection, Advice, Mutual Accountability